Best Way to Increase Height Naturally
Low height or being is short is one of the major problems seen nowadays. This can be either because of the genetic disorder, hereditary problems or also can be considered because of the eating and other daily based habits. Height problems can also be because of some other health disorders.
Methods to increase the height
There are many methods of increasing height. Taking up any of these may not always give a positive result. It might all depend upon the person’s body nature and how their body reacts to the treatments. In brief terms methods of increasing heights can be classified into two types, synthetic method, and natural method.
Synthetic methods
There are many synthetic methods for treating height issues. A few of them can be as follows:
- Consult doctors and take medications as prescribed by them.
- Taking up growth hormones will be one of the standard solutions the doctors prescribe.
- The taking of growth drinks is also considered to increase height.
Synthetic methods apart from having very low chances of increasing heights it is not preferable as they might have some other side effects later in the future.
Natural methods
Natural methods are more preferable in case of treatments for increasing height. As natural methods usually don’t have any side effects even if you don’t end up getting the expected output. Natural methods are more straightforward and can be done by avoiding a few habits and by including few new habits into your daily routine.
- Things to avoid
- Alcohol: Constant taking in alcohol can have an impact on both your mental as well as physical health. Alcohol can stunt the development of the nervous system which ultimately ends up being a factor of lessening your height.
- Cigarette: Smoking can be one of the factors to stop you from growing further. One of the studies states that students who smoke are shorter in height when compared to non-smokers.
- Junk food: Consumption of junk food in high quantity can also be one of the reasons for stunt growth. The chemicals present in junk food consumption can affect your growth hormones leading to your shortness.
- Things to do
- Exercise: Constant workouts and exercise can be the best natural method for increasing your
- Good sleep: Sleeping on correct timings with complete relaxation can have a significant effect on increasing your height.
- Balanced diet: Having a balanced diet plays a major role in increasing your height. Drinking water in high amounts and taking in of zinc, vitamin C, vitamin D, etc. can increase your height.
- Improving your immune system: Few of the diseases may be the cause of your stunt growth. Building up a body with a strong immune system will help you fight diseases and hence can be cause for increasing your height.
- Confidence: Confidence is always on the top list when you have to achieve something in life. Even in cases of curing diseases or fighting something you need confidence. Most of the treatments work only when you are mentally strong. Being confident and brave can help you reach heights and achieve the impossible.
- Exercise: Constant workouts and exercise can be the best natural method for increasing your